Life is but an experience

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally created this stupid blog!!! So fustrating!! Right now i feel so confused and empty. I dunno whether regard her as my fren, i want to but she always betrays me at the crucial moment. sigh........... Now tat PSLE is over i feel so bored, can die, nothing to do only watch tv, read book,eat and i dunno. Can u believe it!!!!! Sch is ending on Thurs, so soon! Feel so sad so so sad. Surely miss my frens. They tgere for me through thick and thin. I share a very special bond with this person, a bond tat no one can break..... now i feel like crying. Boo hoo hoo....... 6.508 i'm so gonna miss u !!!!!! Ai yah, now becoz of the economy crisis adults become stress, cutting down on cost. Who they vent their anger and fustration on? Answer is obvious.... I think the socirty, the world should really slow down. For the sake of survival, adults neglect children, children feel sad, become bad, then get scolding from adults. Adults should really fan xing fan xing y xia. Dun they think they are being unfair to us kids? PS. I'm not saying any adults in specific.
I really wanna thank tose teachers hu helped me tide through the difficult times, they're wonderful! Thanks!


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