Life is but an experience

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hi all,

Yesterday we finally managed to perfect the dance steps. It was so noisy, everyone got so pissed off but we ended early. After tat went to Liz tan hse and play. So fun. mum came while Desiree,xy and me were hiding. Sigh. Hope mum allows me to go to Desiree hse with xy on 28th @ night and camp over at her backyard. We oso can go trick or treats, gonna be so fun..... I'm like rotting to death at home,nothing to do. Wish to go back to sch to play with my frenz.... Tommorow is grad party yeah!!!! Must take lots of pics. Gonna miss my frenz sosososososososo much. I'm gonna stop here for today and take a break. Bye all!!


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