Life is but an experience

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dedicated to my dear dear frenz

Boo hoo hoo. Sch has ended, worse still i could not stay back to spend more time wiith my friends. I fill so sad. Today's carnival so fun. Stupid hauned hse, waste so much of my time!!!! Argh!!! When i huggedmy frenz tat time, i felt like crying, couldn't bear to leave my frenz. one year pass so fast. At first all of us were like hoping the year would end soon , get over PSLE and play, watch tv, now we all want to go back in time. I miss so many of my frenz!!! I'm so afraid of the day when we lose touch.....
  • Ron, you will always be my BFF, thanks for being so understanding, so caring, always there to listen to my woes. You have such a sweet and nice smile that never fails to make someone happy. may you grow in God's words and be more like him. and I mean it, even if the world comes to the end, you'll still b my BFF.
  • Xin Yi you will always b my role model,thanks 4 teaching me the right things to do, 4 helping me change my bad habits, for trusting me, you're such a great good fren. Thank Mrs Chua for putting me in front of u. And one thing good about u is that u are very very very humble, always deny the good things ppl say abt u and dun like receiving compliments.I hope we will always share that special, unbreakable bond we have.
  • Desiree, thanks for bringing so much joy to my sch life, for cheering me up when i feel down, for being my "son". Nice sitting behind you. Thanks for entertaining me with your singing.I dunno if u feel like tat, but i feel like i have this special connection with u. One thing that makes me want to learn from you is your boldness.You are never hesitant or shy to share your opinion and take bold steps. I hope u will make up your mind and become a christian. I'll see you in heaven right?
  • Tiffany, i will always remember your laughter and the kind way you treat your frenz. You're a great girl. An advice for you, studies should come before boys. See u soon
  • Turbs, thanks for bringing joy to the class and always saying jokes to cheer ppl up, your cheerful disposition never fails to brighten up the class. Stay like this!
  • Rissa, admit it, u are very pretty, very sporty, very smart. Thanks for inspiring me to do more sports. Wish u all the best to your six packs, never give up.
  • Cyy, thanks for being so strict. Luckily, u sit near me so that i can have more discipline. Thanks alot. U r someone whom i can trust, i can talk to, someone who is so patient. Dun change ok? U are really someone whom alot of us in the class must look up to and follow.
  • Darolyn, must tell me y your math so good!!!! It was so much fun sitting with u, I still remember how we had a difficult time sitting with each other, having difficulty writing. Thanks for tolerating me.
  • OK, my hand and brains are tired already, i'll continue this after my break. My frenz hu r reading this remember, THOUGH SCHOOL HAS ENDED, OUR MUCH TREASURED FRIENDSHIP WILL NOT END, BUT IN FACT CONTINUE TO THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!All e best for PSLE results.

shukit signing off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey. juz swung by.. well. i wanna say stuff to u. i wld like to apologise for everything i hv done to offend u/irritate u. i dunwan to end sch properly without being shure tt our frenship is still intact n nt broken. ALOT has happened this yr n well.. everyone has changed. i hv, n u hv too. but if we give way to each other, can still b frens rite? well.. i can't force u if u dunwan to b my fren. but i'm just taking th first step to apologise, n tel u tt wad i said abt/to u, th negative stuff, was only coz i was angry.. n din reali mean it.. hope tt our frenship will last till th very end..


October 23, 2008 at 3:41 AM  

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