Life is but an experience

Friday, November 14, 2008

Haha, @ the airport now! W8ting to board the plane> So excited, gonna reach Beijing near midnite, luv tat :)Gonna take lots of pic and post them on this blog. I'll miss my mum, so sad she cannot come with us:( Bcos of her busy work schedule, sigh... She shd really take a break and stop workin so hard. 5more days to PSLE results collection! When i come back, will bcome so bored again. Hope there will b more gatherings. Can't w8 4 liz tan's one.

Tat's all 4 now. Bye bye!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi sk!!! :) :) :)

missing you and all of six-five!! <3

i'll sms u th details of my gathering/party!!! when its confirmed :D

have fun in beijing <3


November 17, 2008 at 2:27 AM  

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