Life is but an experience

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am going to flare up soon

ok at last i found time to blog!!!! I abandoned my blog for so long!!! I need to start blogging or i'll blow up one day. Argh!! i am so pissed off now, facebookk is not workin and school is so horrible. Like the class is so what la. Everyone's true colours slowly start revealing as time goes by and I start to detest some ppl. I dun really wanna be very hurtful here but i guess i need to be very frank. Ok let's star. 1E stop sucking up to Chrystal ok??? Like wad the hell la, there is really nothing great abt her that you have to suck up to her. And chrystal you are very fake ok. You know that yourself and you know how detestable you can be sometimes. Like you just throw your tantrums at ppl and like keep complaining we are not doing our work, we got ok and you are the one who thinkss we cant be trusted so you wanna do the work and ah!!!!! Forget it. Liz can you wake up!! Stop trying to be popular and stop acting cute la. Do you know you have changed alot. Do you know how irritating you have become????? Just be yourself and you'll be more likable, your giggles are so fake your behaviour is even worst and Dun try to be the teacher's pet pls!!! And Natalie Teh if you hate this school so much then get lost!!! I really cannot take it anymore ok.Why do you keep in sulting MG???? Nan Hua is not the best, it is not flawless get that in your head can???? If you miss P6 so much then go back to your primary school, I dun give a damn. Manika do you know why you are not liked??? Cos you ask stupid questions and sct so stupidly so pls change ok for heaven's sake!!! Knock some sense ito yourself 1E!!! can you all pls have your own stand and stop imitating ppl???? I have not finish ranting i shall do it another day. Now got no time gotta ruch off!! And if i have hurt anyone, sorry but just pls try to change ok. I dun hate you i just wanna let you know why you can piss me off sometimes


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