Life is but an experience

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ok i finally got to go for guitar today!! And we played the entertainer as a whole ensmble i think it was ok la but like too soft. And stupid ppl left then never help keep the chairs and tables but nvm la=) Home econs today was a total failure!! My cookies are way too soft!!! But they so delicious=)hehe! Today was so packed!! Like aft sch got guitar for three hours!! Then go home my family wanna go exercise so i tagged along and went swimming!! Aiya, when i see my frens sad then i sad oso. like today we got bac our LS and HCL papers and then some ppl sad then like i feel so osad. Dunno how to comfort them... Sigh stuppid Cts. And today was Gladi's bdae and she got such a nice bdae present---- Highest for HCL and LS. She is too smart!! But anyway guys cheer up!!! Its just CT, like its not FYE and life is filled wif other stuff so yeah... Then today for assembly we did this really stupid quiz, i bet no one was really interested and it kenda wasted our time!!! Well i am too tired and lazy to continue tmr ba. Like chrystal's blog got so many things i wanna say jus go read hers. haha bye for now!!


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