Life is but an experience

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Great!! Some ppl feels that our class is breaking up while some cant feel it at all!!! I noe wad we feel now is not anger but jus tiredness(sian) This thing is getting so urgh!! Like so many ppl are upset and stressed over this!!! Actually wad is the root of all these problems??? I really dun want to see our class become like this. Let's go back to term 1 and 2 k?? I need to think of sth to bond the class!!! Help!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ranting non- stop

Ok all these has to stop!!!!!!!!!! Its no use replying each other by blogging!! Like some things jus cant be said like that, it has to be spoken face to face!! I really dun want our class to have a cold war and split uo. YOu noe like everday we go to school with this hatred for this person inside us, but then once we step into class we put on an act and we become "frens". We are all upset and angry, you noe that and i noe that. But we put on a smile to hide our emotions. I dunno, is it better to hide our hatred and anger and misery or just show it and affect everyone??? I mean everyone's gotta go go through friendship probs. I am actually really thankful to be in 1E cos i noe each class has its own problems and that at least i have some ppl in class whom i can tok to. Its been really confusing. Like i feel so left out and hated and like dunno who my real frens are and who ii can trust. I know im not the only one who feels like that. You see our class, everyone belongs to a clique but i have no idea where to go cos i jus feel so out of place everywhere. And chrystal i think wad you wrote on your blog is how many of the non- mgp girls feel. If you guys are really making an effort then thank you so much and sorry for making you guys work so hard just to adapt. But can you pls pls pls stop with your comparing and criticising, i know you guys miss your old school but face reality, you are in MG now and you CANT GO BACK TO PRIMARY SCH!!! Why cant 1E be wad it started out as????? Its sickening!!!! Stop trying to suck up to teachers, stop trying to suck up to a particular person, stop being hypocrites, stop this whole mess!!! Like the class should have a talk on one of the days cos its not gonna be nice to go to sch feeling so miserable plus FYE is comin so yeah... And why do ppl change so much??? Why mus humans be influenced so easily? Why mus we be affected by our environment? Why cant we be true to ourselves and have our own stands? Why must life be so complicated??? To my true friends thank you so much=)
Like ron, you are no longer the girl i used to know. We are drifting apart. You give lots of crappy excuses!!! Are you even trying to mend our friendship??? And sorry but you have become really bimbotic ever since you set foot in 1H!! I dunno but you've really become a stranger.


Ok i finally got to go for guitar today!! And we played the entertainer as a whole ensmble i think it was ok la but like too soft. And stupid ppl left then never help keep the chairs and tables but nvm la=) Home econs today was a total failure!! My cookies are way too soft!!! But they so delicious=)hehe! Today was so packed!! Like aft sch got guitar for three hours!! Then go home my family wanna go exercise so i tagged along and went swimming!! Aiya, when i see my frens sad then i sad oso. like today we got bac our LS and HCL papers and then some ppl sad then like i feel so osad. Dunno how to comfort them... Sigh stuppid Cts. And today was Gladi's bdae and she got such a nice bdae present---- Highest for HCL and LS. She is too smart!! But anyway guys cheer up!!! Its just CT, like its not FYE and life is filled wif other stuff so yeah... Then today for assembly we did this really stupid quiz, i bet no one was really interested and it kenda wasted our time!!! Well i am too tired and lazy to continue tmr ba. Like chrystal's blog got so many things i wanna say jus go read hers. haha bye for now!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am going to flare up soon

ok at last i found time to blog!!!! I abandoned my blog for so long!!! I need to start blogging or i'll blow up one day. Argh!! i am so pissed off now, facebookk is not workin and school is so horrible. Like the class is so what la. Everyone's true colours slowly start revealing as time goes by and I start to detest some ppl. I dun really wanna be very hurtful here but i guess i need to be very frank. Ok let's star. 1E stop sucking up to Chrystal ok??? Like wad the hell la, there is really nothing great abt her that you have to suck up to her. And chrystal you are very fake ok. You know that yourself and you know how detestable you can be sometimes. Like you just throw your tantrums at ppl and like keep complaining we are not doing our work, we got ok and you are the one who thinkss we cant be trusted so you wanna do the work and ah!!!!! Forget it. Liz can you wake up!! Stop trying to be popular and stop acting cute la. Do you know you have changed alot. Do you know how irritating you have become????? Just be yourself and you'll be more likable, your giggles are so fake your behaviour is even worst and Dun try to be the teacher's pet pls!!! And Natalie Teh if you hate this school so much then get lost!!! I really cannot take it anymore ok.Why do you keep in sulting MG???? Nan Hua is not the best, it is not flawless get that in your head can???? If you miss P6 so much then go back to your primary school, I dun give a damn. Manika do you know why you are not liked??? Cos you ask stupid questions and sct so stupidly so pls change ok for heaven's sake!!! Knock some sense ito yourself 1E!!! can you all pls have your own stand and stop imitating ppl???? I have not finish ranting i shall do it another day. Now got no time gotta ruch off!! And if i have hurt anyone, sorry but just pls try to change ok. I dun hate you i just wanna let you know why you can piss me off sometimes

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey all I'm back, to be exact 4days ago. Had a nice time in Beijing, visited many interesting places. The food there is sooooooooooo delicious. The dumplings was so good, no kidding.

Feel very disappointed with psle marks. I knew my marks while i was in a amusement park after taking a mini roller coaster, how bad can it be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think i juz have to go back to MG withmy marks cannot go to any other sch. My marks is like in the middle, not good but not bad oso.
Dunno whether can go holiday next year bcos of the horrible economic crunch.
Now everyone watching their expenditure, then so many countries slip into reccession. Later the whole world slip into reccession, then how? Din noe money could cause so much problems. Pity those who lost their live savings bcos of the collapse of the lehman brothers and DBS... Sigh I think we should continue spending or else situation bcome worse. Yes, we should save money but not to the extreme rite? I mean is not like we can take money to heaven with us, can we?No one noes wat will happen the next minute or the next day, so we should live each day to the fullest and enjoy ourselves.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Haha, @ the airport now! W8ting to board the plane> So excited, gonna reach Beijing near midnite, luv tat :)Gonna take lots of pic and post them on this blog. I'll miss my mum, so sad she cannot come with us:( Bcos of her busy work schedule, sigh... She shd really take a break and stop workin so hard. 5more days to PSLE results collection! When i come back, will bcome so bored again. Hope there will b more gatherings. Can't w8 4 liz tan's one.

Tat's all 4 now. Bye bye!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

SO FREAKED OUT!!!!! PSLE results r gonna b released so soon, like 6more days. Keep having this feeling i do very badly, calculated my estimated marks and total i got only 230!!! But then i oso feel super duper happy!! Goin Beijing tommorow!!! Dun need to collect results and face reality too soon(goody goody) But then cannot c my frenz, sad sad sad. Wonder if the hotels will b nice, hmm.....

To all my frenz,
ALL E BEST FOR YOUR PSLE RESULTS!!!!! Gd or bad, it doesnt matter, most importantly, u did your best and gave your all :)
Go eat chocolate to calm yourself if u feel nervous, hee hee

PS. For the next 1week, wun b posting, so byebye!!